Project Description
Pre-engineering for 500 kV Mantaro – Nueva Yanango – Carapongo and associated substations and 500 kV Nueva Yanango – Nueva Huánuco and associated substations.

Project: 9688
Location: (1) Regions of Huancavelica, Junín and Lima.
(2) Regions of Junín, Pasco, Huánuco and Ancash.- Customer: SEPCO1 Electric Power Construction Corporation.
Owner: Ministry of Energy and Mines | Government of Peru

Lines | Mantaro – Nueva Yanango – Carapongo | Nueva Yanango – Nueva Huánuco |
Voltage: | 500 kV | 500 kV |
Minimum capacity: | 1,400 MVA | 1,400 MVA |
Approx. length | 390 Km | 184 Km |
Substation: | Carapongo | Nueva Yanango |
Voltage: | 500 kV | 500/220/138 kV |

Scope of service
- Preliminary activities: Project organization, collection, acquisition and evaluation of information, route selection and location of office facilities (mapping, plans and existing information), coordination with entities involved in the projects and response and compliance with SEPCO1 requirements.
- Field work: Definition of field route (including support from environmental, archaeological and geological specialists).
- Cabinet work: Technical, geological, social, environmental, archaeological assessment and report editing.
- Electrical studies of the system: Load flow, short circuit, compensations, switching surges and transients.
- Project transmission lines:
- – Electrical designs (conductor, insulators and accessories, cables and conductors, guard wires, structures main dimensions, pre-distribution of structures).
- – Mechanical designs (required load diagrams, selection of basic structure, base reactions).
- – Civil designs (materials and types of foundations, foundations, accesses).
- – Metrados (tables of quantities).
- Substations:
- – Electromechanical works-verifications (verification of insulation coordination, verification of safety distances and electrical sizing, verification of PAT system, verification of shielding, verification of flexible busbar system).
- – Electromechanical works-designs (general single-line diagram, protection and metering single-line diagram, AC and DC auxiliary services single-line diagram, general arrangement of plant and sections (for each voltage level), general arrangement of control building, general arrangement of field houses, PAT (grounding mesh) system, flexible busbar system, gantry system).
- – Civil works (earthwork estimation, general arrangement of civil works of the Project Substations, preliminary design of foundations, preliminary design of control building, preliminary design of field houses, preliminary design of drainage system, preliminary design of interior roads, preliminary design of perimeter fence, preliminary design of complementary works).
- – Metrados (tables of quantities).
- Telecommunications and digital control systems:
- – Telecommunications system (OPGW fiber optic transmission system architecture, carrier wave transmission system architecture, teleprotection system, data transmission system to COES).
- – Digital control system (architecture and configuration of the digital control system, SCADA control center, Project substation automation system).
- – Metrados (tables of quantities).
Evaluation of the annual operation and maintenance costs of the projects, in accordance with Osinergmin guidelines and according to market research or quotations.
(i) guidelines of COES Technical Procedure PR-20, (ii) project bidding conditions issued by ProInversion, (iii) regulations of the Republic of Peru, (iv) applicable international regulations that add value to the design without altering the basic concepts of the original design subject of the project bidding process.