Project Description
Engineering of the Final Design for the Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant in the

Project: 9661
Location: Salar de Uyuni, department of Potosí – Bolivia
Customer: K-UTEC AG Salt Technologies (Alemania)
Owner: CONMIBOL Corporación Minera de Bolivia.

Scope of service
The Consulting Services included the following services for: Multipurpose Building, Auxiliary Services Building, Plant Building Li2C03, raw materials warehouse, product warehouse, tank warehouse, warehouse for packaging materials, empty container warehouse, located in the town of Llipi, at the foot of the foothills of the Alcaloma hill; and then through an annex, to adapt the Definitive Engineering of the Civil Works and infrastructure,
The service included reconnaissance excursions, site surveys, site inspections, and the construction of the new site in the Salar de Uyuni, which was completed 100%, to the new location proposed by the National Strategic Public Company of Bolivian Lithium Deposits (YLB) and confirmed by K-UTEC.
The service included reconnaissance excursions, the preparation of 217 plans (143 at the initial location and 74 at the final location), descriptive and calculation reports; technical specifications for the civil works of the plant and for the electrical works corresponding to the transmission unit and substations, and instrumentation and control; bidding documents for the works and budget. According to the following detail:
- Geological and geotechnical soils survey in Llipi.
- Architecture, foundations and structural design of all buildings in Llipi: 145,214 m2.
- Salar Uyuni: 37,420 m2.
- Earthworks in Llipi: 261,522 .91 m3.
- Drinking water system engineering, distribution and storage of process water.
- Llipi power supply engineering: transmission line, 24.9 kV substation, lighting and instrumentation and control.
- Modeling using BIM methodologies for the realization of isometric drawings of the plant and its utilities.