Project Description
Cerro del Águila Hydroelectric Power Plant Operability Study

Project: 9634
Location: Districts of Colcabamba and Surcubamba, province of Tayacaja, department of Huancavelica.
- Customer: Cerro del Aguila S.A.

Power Plant: Cerro del Águila
Installed capacity: 510 MW
Technology: Hydraulic generation
Generation units: 3 Francis Vertical turbines (175 MW)
Campo Armiño – Cerro del Águila Lines
Voltage: 220 kV.
Minimum capacity: 632.5 MW
Length: 15.81 Km
Campo Armiño Cerro del Águila Substations
Voltage: 220 kV. 220 kV.

Scope of service
Executive summary of the project.
Steady state operation and short circuit calculations.
Substation repowering design study.
Protection coordination study.
Economic study.
Equipment factory test protocol.
Executive summary of the project.
Steady state operation.
Short-circuit current calculation.
Protection coordination study.
Stability study.
Electromagnetic transient study.
Equipment factory test protocols.
Measurement systems specifications.
Executive summary of the project.
Steady state operation.
Protection coordination study.
Stability study.
Equipment factory test protocols.
Measurement systems specifications.
Integration of engineering with electrical studies, according to COES PR-20.